In den Wochen vom 10.06. bis zum 21.06. besuchen uns amerikanische Schüler unserer Partnerschule in Jasper, Indiana.
Eine Schülerin lässt uns an ihren ersten Eindrücken teilhaben.
My experience here at GWT has been very pleasant, albeit different from my home, Jasper High School. To start, the arrangement of classes is very different from the school I attend. At this school, you have different classes every day, and for varying amounts of time. At Jasper High, You have the same seven classes every day, and each class is 50 minutes. Also, the curriculum is quite different. While most of you learn English from Class 5-12, I’ve only been learning German for three years- and I am in Class 12. Despite the differences, I’m having a great time here at GWT! With your teachers and other Americans, I have been able to see what Pößneck is like, and what the people are like too- and I love it! During the school week, I went to Jena, and visited the Optical Museum; seen the sights here in Pößneck; and hiked to Ranis, in accompaniment of students from your school, and kegeln. The kegeln was weird for me (but fun!) because in the US, we have something similar- Bowling. It’s like kegeln, but the balls have three holes for your fingers. I’ve also had the experience of helping Class 5 with their English. It was fun to answer their simple questions and make them laugh. Overall, my time here at GWT has been awesome, and thank you to everyone who makes GWT such a great place!
Johanna, 17